Monday, May 12, 2014

Pre-Journey Planning

Hello kiddos,

Some of you suggested that I keep a blog while I'm in Chile, and I think that's a great idea. I figure this way we can all experience the culture together. (And it's a good way to keep in touch!)

Yesterday we purchased our plane tickets to Chile. We're leaving Richmond on June 30th and arriving in Santiago on July 1st. The flight from Atlanta to Santiago is long - about nine hours - but I'm looking forward to it.

When we get there, we'll have some friends pick us up, and then we'll have about a week until our job training starts. It'll be interesting to see how the Chileans teach English compared to how we teach Spanish in the US. 

Also, just something fun to note - on my iPhone, I added Santiago to my weather app so that I can check the weather there, and it looks like it's getting a little cooler each week. By the time I get there, the high each day will be about 60 degrees Fahrenheit, which sounds perfect! 

For my upper-level Spanish students: En el futuro, voy a escribir parte de cada post en español, para que ustedes puedan practicar la lectura. Anotaré palabras nuevas que aprendo, porque como yo entiendo, el vocabulario chileno es un poco diferente. Los chilenos usan palabras que otras partes del mundo hispanohablante no usan. También utilizan el "vos," que es otra manera de decir "you." Yo tendré que practicar eso.

Ms. Grant