Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saying Goodbye

I've taken the two weeks since school ended to pack up and move out of my house, pack my bags, and say goodbye to the people I love. I knew it was going to be tough, but I didn't realize quite how hard it would actually be. I've said goodbye in quiet moments and in loud ones, at parties and cookouts, over dinner and karaoke, and sometimes in quick texts.

It's hard to leave, but it's also important. Although I'm sad to say goodbye my loved ones, I am so excited to see the world. And it's only a year (plus a visit home for Christmas). I also feel comforted by (and grateful for) the technology that will keep my close to my family and friends even when I'm far away. I'll be using Skype, Viber, iMessage, Facebook, SnapChat, gmail, and blogs to keep up with everone.

I'm going to miss my family, my friends, my cat, US Netflix, and American peanut butter (mostly in that order), among other things.

Packing has been super challenging! I always overpack, anyway, so packing for this move has been a bit difficult. I'm mostly packing clothes (for work, for hanging out, and for working out), toiletries (diva-mode, always), and my electronics. I'm also packing a few (small) sentimental things, like pictures of my family, and things that remind me of home.

If you had to fit your life into three bags, what would you choose? What's important to you? What makes you feel at home, even when you're far from it?

Para mis hispanohablantes... Sabrías qué empacar? Qué te hace sentir cómodo cuando estás lejos de tu hogar?

PS: I plan on sending some post cards while I'm away. I'll try to send some to Cosby!

PPS: I really appreciate the goodbye letters and parting gifts I got at school. You all are the best.


  1. Enjoy Chile Srta Grant! Safe flight and best wishes! I know American peanut butter is going to be especially hard to let go of :p It sounds like a pokemon journey x'D But, if I had to pack my life into 3 bags, I would take my clothes/other necessities, camera/other electronics, tripods, most cherished pokemon cards (since all 6000+ would probably fill the bags themselves lol), a picture of my family, and of course my love for the internet so I can keep in touch with my friends, family, and fans through YouTube, Kik, Facebook, Skype, iMessage, Google+, and other social media sites. Anyway I have an update for you on Benedictine as well as a question (you can answer it here if you choose or you can email me).

    1.) I take my PSAT Test July 7th to determine if I am actually accepted or not.

    2.) If I am accepted I have to go, so my question is if that does happen would you be willing to stop by and pay me a visit one day when you come back up around Christmas time? (: If you can't for any reason that's understandable, but I hope to see you again sometime!

    Again thank you for being so awesome, and I hope you make the most out of your time in Chile!


  2. Hey ms.grant my computer is being stupid so im not sure if i posted this twice or not . i will email you my adress so you can send me post cards i would love it !!! i have a whole box full of them and would like to add yours in :) ps still the same email just say who you are and i will respond :) adios amigos :)
