Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mid-Week Update

Hello! I tried to post earlier, but couldn't get it to work. I just wanted to give a quick mid-week update.

I took that screenshot this morning - the weather has been really nice this week. It's been in the sixties during the day, then cooling off significantly at night. Warm days and cool nights make for my kind of weather. And I think that trend will prove especially nice when it becomes summer here. (Chileans use Celsius - I still have to change my phone over from Fahrenheit.) 

I have a big post coming near the end of the week. I've been taking pictures every day this week to prepare for it. Here's a hint...


  1. Oh god I knew it was coming . Send me some fashion my way maybe a cool hat :) ha enjoy it all you can . Can't type very long because I'm sure you know that my wrist is broken . Will message you details later .

    1. Oh no, I didn't know that you had broken your wrist. I'm sorry to hear that! Get well soon!

  2. Hey Ms Grant! I haven't been able to check up on this blog in forever since I had my computer taken! :o But I'm glad you're enjoying Chile! Just don't forget us d: ahaha, oh and some news! I will be going to the World Championships next month (15th-17th), and I will be meeting several YouTube partners! So, I will be making a few collab videos with everyone and even a few exhibition matches! If you want to check those out when they're up, they'll be on my channel (: Anyway, enough about that, it's so cool to hear about all of the things in Chile! The food looks AMAZING, the kitchen looks super nice, and the mountain background is absolutely stunning! Can't forget that bathroom either lol!

    1. That's great, Grant! Congratulations! I look forward to hearing about it. I hope you have a great time meeting your far-away friends and playing in the championship.
