Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Saturday for Sci-Fi and Fantasy

When I taught at Cosby, Mr. Waddell and I co-founded and co-sponsored the Sci-Fi / Fantasy Club. Sci-Fi / Fantasy Club was (and I imagine still is) awesome. We met every Thursday, and we were the buggest student interest club besides Lightning Legion. We had a major presence at the Chesterfield Library System's Comic-Con, and we won the 2013 homecoming parade float contest. Sci-Fi / Fantasy kids (affectionately referred to as nerdlings) are the best, and I miss them a lot. 

I'm looking forward to sharing what I did on Saturday with them, because I know they will appreciate it. 

Saturday started early; I met my friends Elly (Australian) and Jordan (also from Virginia) for a bit of shopping and exploring.

We saw cool graffiti. 

And we got some great snacks!

Shopping downtown.

We found some awesome Asian markets. All three of us love Korean, Thai, Japanese, and Chinese foods, so it was great to find shops that carried things we needed. And we saw pocky, which definitely made me think of my Sci-Fi / Fantasy club kids.

Later, we met up with Elly's boyfriend and my boyfriend, who are both named Matt. We all walked together to... a gamer bar/restaurant! It's callde Insert Coin, and it's got such a cool concept.

Insert Coin is a themed bar/restaurant that boasts 14 consoles + games, arcade games, and pinball machines (which Chileans call "flipper"). You and your table get to pick a console and play for as long as you want. It was two stories of geeky goodness!

The mountains were beautiful on the walk there.

Gorgeous and purple!

Approaching our destination...

So excited to enter!

They were streaming League of Legends as well.

All the pizzas were named after Ninja Turtles (obviously).

Most of the sandwiches were named after Mario characters.

Speaking of Mario... check out the transportation tube on the ceiling!

All the cocktails were themed for video games. I never drink. (I don't enjoy it.) But for the novelty, I decided to get one. I ended up getting the Donkey Kong Barrel Blast - Malibu rum, banana liquor, and coconut milk. Definitely designed for DK!

Matt was very excited for the Lethal Weapon 3 flipper.

Pac-Man ghost barstools.

Elly crushing at Street Fighter.

Matt and Roberto picking a game. We ended up with the PS3. I'm not a huge PlayStation fan, but we all enjoyed it anyway.

The bar.

FIFA '15 - made me think of my brother; he loves FIFA.

Elly's Matt, Roberto, and my Matt playing FIFA and Mortal Kombat.

A language exchange between two learners.

Crash Bandicoot Racing! I struggled with this, being so used to Mario Kart. I was really hoping we'd land a GameCube, Wii, or N64 (or my favorite, Super Nintendo), but PS3 was available first, so we went with that.

Some cosplayers came in while I was sitting by the door. I tried to snap pictures as fast as I could, but I could only get one of Beast (from X-Men). There was also Deadpool (of course), Storm, and Dr. Doom!

It was a great place. They played awesome music, like Depeche Mode, Queen, and Daft Punk. I can't wait to go back. I hope I can take my brother here if he comes to visit me! 

Shoutout to all my Sci-Fi / Fantasy Club kids and to Mr. Waddell! I hope you are all having a great year. 


  1. OK first when you get back its game time at my apartment! Lol looks like syfi stuff is everywhere .. Mario seems to be the most popular you prefer Mario or streat fighter ? Have you ever played crash the original ? For PlayStation ? That's my game !!! I can tell Brantley is in to games all ready because he slobbers all over my gaming controls and gets big eyes at TVs .planning to bring him up to Cosby !!! Hope all is well ! PS I'm a little grogey from the meds so mind my spelling !! Lol djkdidjr

  2. Oh did they have any spyro games??
