Friday, October 10, 2014

A Thursday Date Night

Finally! A post! I know it's been a while. I started my new job a few weeks ago, which is 8:30 - 5:00, Monday through Friday. So I work during the day, go to the gym in the evening, and see friends on the weekends. Things had been so routine lately that I felt I hadn't done anything post-worthy. For that I apologize, and I hope that in the coming weeks I'll have lots more to post.

Last night, Matt and I had a date night. Our work schedules are quite different, so we rarely get to spend time together during the week. Coincidentally, though, he had the night off last night, and I wasn't at the gym, so we advantage of our time and had a really nice date exploring the city.

We started at an awesome French restaurant near my work. It's call Le Bistrot (that's French, not Spanish). I would link you to the menu to check it out, but it's all in Spanish.

I had been to this place once before for a lunch with work friends, but it was Matt's first time. I knew he'd love it, because he really likes French food. It was surprisingly very affordable (relatively speaking, that is... eating out in general is quite expensive in Santiago).

They brought out fresh bread with house-whipped butter and French pate.

There's Matt! Hi, Matt!

Matt's an adverturous eater. As an appetizer, he ordered head cheese, which is a sort of meat jelly from the boiled head of a cow or pig. Then it's covered in a vinegar sauce with pickle relish. He liked it a lot.

We also ordered a couple of drinks. I ordered two fresh mango juices (my go-to drink in restaurants), and Matt had a draught beer and a glass of wine.

As an entree, I got that massive salad pictured above. It was so big! It had hearts of plam (that's the big white thing in the front - they're everywhere here), mushrooms, tomatoes, avocado, cilantro, corn, carrots, and several types of lettuce. It was great! (I picked out the hearts of palm and the mushrooms.)

Matt had a salad as well, but his came a little deconstructed. It had a large pat of camembert cheese, breaded and toasted so that when you cut into it with a fork or a slice of bread, it oozed out. It also came with wanuts and a small side of greens. He really like his meal, too.

On our walk home, we stopped in a shop and I bought my brother a Christmas present. I could post about it here, because there is zero percent chance he's reading my blog (hehe, sorry Zach), but I will refrain.

We also passed this incredible mural. There were about four artists collaborating on it as we walked past. It depicts a lot of Chile - history, art, literature... la cultura chilena.

The line work is incredible.

I can't wait to go back in a few days and check out the finished mural.

Afterwards, we went to the park across the street from our apartment. It's a nice place, but we never go. I hope we do more often, because it was a really nice time.

There's a big fountain in the middle. 

First take of this photo was a little funky...

Take two was better!

I had an eye infection, so it was a no-makeup and glasses-only day for me.

Fountains shooting...


Matt, taking it in.

This statue is pretty cool against the sunset. Contrary to how it appears, the statue is not flicking you off.


It was such a nice night. We really don't go out to eat often... maybe once a month. We save money by cooking at home, which I love, given my interest in cooking, but it was really nice to go out for dinner. We had a really lovely date. Matt is the best, and I'm so lucky to have him as a best friend and partner.


  1. Your still pretty even with an eye infection . you cant even tell .

  2. I still can't believe people draw like that its amazing.
