Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Ha llegado la primavera

Spring has sprung here in Santiago! The sun is finally out, and the weather is getting warmer. This week the temperature will be in the seventies, which is so exciting. It was a really cold winter. Well, I take that back, it wasn't as cold as last winter was in Virginia. The cold here is just more omnipresent because most buildings (like my apartment) aren't heated. 

The breeze and the sun are so lovely. I'm looking forward to enjoying the new climate!

Looking up

Looking down the street from my work

When I walked out for my lunch break, I noticed the city had come really alive. There were street musicians, vendors, and people on every corner. Even as I sit back in the office now, I hear bands playing and people parading.

I hope you're all enjoying the changing of the seasons back home! Fall is one of my favorites. 

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