Sunday, September 7, 2014

Daylight Savings!

Today is a daylight savings day here in Chile. Previously, I was on the same schedule as the east coast of the US, which was super convenient. However, since we're entering springtime here, we need to "spring forward," as they say. So at midnight, our clocks changed to 1:00 am. 

I'm excited for it to stay light longer. I like when it's light later through the evening. Unfortuantely, I'll be an hour ahead of you east-coast gringos, and when you "fall back" in a month or two for your fall daylight savings, I'll be two hours ahead.

We'll even out again sometime in the future, though.

Today is the first Sunday of the school year back home, which means both students and teachers and busy preparing all the work they put off over the weekend. Good luck getting it all done! Thinking of everyone back home. 

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