Friday, August 22, 2014

Recent Photos

This week was normal. Matt and I both worked a lot and did run-of-the-mill things, like grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc. I don't have any big events to blog about, but I do have some pictures I thought I would share.

Chilean Dorito flavors include Mexican Taco, BBQ Wings, and Pizza. I haven't tried them, but they look intriguing!

These are the bathroom signs at the Sony building where I teach some English classes. Sony is all about PlayStation!

This is a small mall that looks very similar in construction to the Guggenheim Museum in New York (a cool place if you ever find yourself looking for something to do in Manhattan). It's one giant spiral. I liked the chandeleirs they had.

A quick shot of the city at night. It glows like any large city.

Remember in my Chilean fashion post when I said that everyone in Chile wears a lot of black? I wasn't kidding! Everyone in the US made fun of my affinity for black clothes, but I fit in here in Chile.

Another shot. I took these photos on the metro on Thursday night,

There was a protest on this street today (Friday). I'm not sure what they were protesting. I think it had something to do with education. You can see some of the protestors sitting against the wall. They had torn up newspapers and scattered the pieces.

A shot of some of the hills. The big mountains (the Andes) are the snowy ones I've posted about before; these are in another direction, and they're just small, green foothills. You can't really tell from the photo, but there are little villages of small homes carved into those hills. It's a strange juxtaposition: the people who live in those houses in the foothills are quite poor, while the area I took the photo from is very well-to-do. Many of the poor people who live in those small homes come to town to clean the houses or business in the more expensive areas. They're fairly close in proximity, but in a lot of ways, they're worlds apart.

And here's a photo of me having a hard time getting started on my walk to work on Monday.

Other than that, things, like I said, have been pretty normal around here. One thing you might find silly: I've already started Christmas shopping! I love the Christmas season, and I plan on coming home to visit for two to three weeks around December/January. I have a big family (my parents and brother, lots of cousins, aunts, and uncles), so I've been trying to budget for gifts each week. I'm really enjoying that process!

I've also been trying to send postcards. I'm sending them out slowly, as I'm still not sure about the postal service here in Chile. Hopefully I'll send some more out soon.

And lastly, there are two dates coming up that I'm excited for: September 18-19, and September 22. Keep checking to see why!

1 comment:

  1. Really pizza flavord doritos ?? Freaken send me some !!!!
