Monday, August 18, 2014

Requested: Churches

I have mentioned before how prevalent Catholicism is in Latin America, and how Chile is no exception. (I should note, though, that religious culture here isn't hegemonic. There are Mormons, Protestants, Evangelicals, atheists, Pagans, Jews, Muslims, and unaffiliated parties.)

Of all the different belief systems, though, Catholicism seems to have the largest cultural presence. Like I said before, the Virgin Mary (la Virgen de la Guadalupe) holds great significance here, so her iconography is prevalent, and there are many national Catholic holidays (for which for and school are canceled).

For those reasons, there are lots of beautiful churches in Santiago. A former student of mine, Grant, asked me to post pictures of some of the churches I pass. I've tried to accumulate some good ones.

This is a church near our house. It's been under construction since we got here, but it's very pretty. I like the yellow and white.

This church is near my work. I really like the way it looks. The tiles are irridescent. This church is on a side-street, and doesn't get a lot of sun, but with the sunlight does hit it, it illuminates.

Another shot - I love the arches.

And of course, la Virgen.

This is another yellow church, and it's also close to work. It's a massive building. I had a hard time capturing how big it is, since I could only take a picture from the sidewalk.

It extends pretty far back, too.

This is a gorgeous church we've passed a couple times. It's really pretty, and has a gothic cathedral feel to it.

I like the rose window a lot. The church had a gate in front of it. Behind the gate was an illuminated statue of who else, la Virgen.

This church burnt to the ground when Matt was here in 2011. (He remembers it because it happened when he had first gotten to Chile and was staying in a hostel nearby.)

Yellow seems to be a popular color for churches here!


  1. Thank you so much Ms Grant! These pictures are awesome! I really like the yellow color for churches because it's certainly different from the usual white or brown seen here in the states! The churches sure are nice in Chile! Also, I wanted to let you know that World Championships are over, and I placed 52nd. I met several famous YouTube Partners of mine, and even got some good footage for my channel. Pokemon Center America (a pokemon-themed store previously only in Japan) opened this year, and I stood in line with my friend Kris for over three hours to get in! There were over 1500 people in that convention center!

  2. I am a Christian but these churches are beautiful im getting batized next week in the james river should be interesting .....
